Here's the problem though; For the average person there are real obstacles to going into business for themselves.
Things like: No Money, No Time, Not Enough Credit and the Biggest One of them all.....They just CAN'T TAKE the RISK.
These are all real things - They're not just excuses!
The Network Marketing Business Model basically eliminates or mitigates all of those barriers. It doesn't make it easy to be successful, but it does make it easier to get up and running with your own business and the FLEXABILITY to manage the extra time you'd need to devote to that new that you can still get done, ALL of the other things in your life that are priorities to you. In other words, it makes it POSSIBLE.
The challenge, however, inside the Network Marketing Industry, for new people and even many existing Network Marketers (believe or not), is that they don't really understand the business itself. They don't understand that Network Marketing is a REAL BUSINESS, which requires the development of Real Business Skills, a Real Business Mentality and everyday consistent effort to make it work out successfully.
That's why I developed, what I call:
"The Business Owner's Approach to Building a Successful Network Marketing Business"
And that approach starts with knowledge. A knowledge about the business model, the company we represent, the products we have to offer and how the compensation plan works.
All of which sounds quite overwhelming, but with the right guidance, you can acquire that knowledge rather quickly and then, over time, you'll become an expert on all those things.
Having said all that, this truly is a business in which you will always be learning. About the business, about the people you're working with, about yourself and not to sound too corny, but about "life" as well. (And you thought you knew everything about "life" already...Just wait!) Some people actually refer to this business as "A personal development course with a compensation plan attached."
And What's Wrong With That!!!!!
Personally, I can use all the "personal development" I can get.
All of this brings us to probably the most important thing you need to do in order to be successful in the Network Marketing Business...have an Honestly Legitimate Belief in this business model and what it can do for you, your family and for others who take the time to learn it, create a business plan to attack it and actually "put the work in" on a consistent basis.
To that end, I've included a number of videos on this site that you should peruse. Some don't even have anything to do with Network Marketing. Others are either videos or podcasts of interviews conducted by Eric Worre and Richard Bliss Brooke, two of the industry's leading generic trainers and advocates. These are interviews with some of the most successful Distributors and Team Builders in the industry.
These people represent a variety of companies and they all come from different backgrounds. Some had very successful careers and others had no prior business experience at all.
I strongly believe that if you take the time to review most of this material, even though some of it would be hard to follow since you're not yet in the business, I'm sure you'll come away with a much greater understanding of how this business works, what these leaders had to go through to make it work for them and the type of people involved in this industry.
The first video I'd suggest that you take a look at would be The Four Year Career by Richard B. Brooke. This is a generic presentation about the mechanics of Network Marketing and how sales teams are built. It's not specific to any company in particular, but it's a good start.
The video I'd look at next would be a TedX talk by Seth Godin. His Ted Talk is not about the Network Marketing Business, but he is a marketing guru and his presentation is fascinating...and in the end, it does have some very interesting parallels to our industry.
After that, I'd look or listen to a couple of the interviews I mentioned earlier. They're kind of a candid, "Behind the Music" look at how leading distributors developed their
own businesses.
(All of these videos can be found, BACK on the Home Page - Just underneath the first part of this WELCOME article, along with another article on how "I Reverse Engineered" parts of this business model and some additional Interviews of other Very Successful Distributors...done in a Podcast Format.)
Thanks again for taking a look at this site. I know its a lot to take in all at one time. So...take your time, but definitely go through the material as you get the chance.
And when you do, try to be patient (everything won't fit together perfectly) and try to extract as much out of it as you possibly can.
***PROBABLY the most important thing you can do for to "Give Yourself a Chance"!
Give yourself a chance to Enjoy the material and the Interviews without getting in your own way by being overly skeptical or least at this point.
There truly is something Special about this Business and by going through this material a little bit at a time, you might start to SEE and FEEL what I mean by that.
In the end, it'll either be interesting to you...or it won't.
Either way, it'll point us to what we probably should do next.